{_xStdDev Exponential moving standard deviation by Alex Matulich alex@unicorn.us.com 5/2003 _xStdDev(x,n) returns a good approximation of the standard deviation of n values of x. In _xStdDev the terms have exponential weight so the function reacts faster, and recovers from outliers more quickly than the traditional standard deviation. This makes it well-suited for use in time series analysis. } Inputs: x(NumericSeries), {price data} length(NumericSimple); {"lookback" length; can change mid-stream} Vars: w0(0), w1(0), {exponential weights} n(0), {used as sample size} avx(0); {average of x and average of x^2} if n <> length or CurrentBar <= 1 then begin {initialize things} n = length; w0 = 2/(n+1); w1 = 1 - w0; if Currentbar <= 1 then avx = x; end; avx = w0*x + w1*avx[1]; _xStdDev = SquareRoot(w0*(x-avx)*(x-avx) + w1*_xStdDev[1]*_xStdDev[1])