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Latest Version of JACOsub

[Download] JACOsub 2.8 (Amiga, freeware) 12 Mar 2005 - 338K

Amiga Utilities for use with JACOsub

[Download] LHA 1.38
Amiga archiving utility. Download and run the file to install LHA.

[Download] ReqTools user edition for AmigaDOS 2.0 and up
greatly improves dialog box handling and generally makes your Amiga experience nicer.

[Download] req.library
dialog box enhancement for AmigaDOS 1.3.
Note: Under AmigaDOS 1.3, JACOsub requires req.library to display a file list. You don't need req.library if your AmigaDOS version is 2.0 or higher.
SuperGen genlock libraries and software:
[Download] SuperGen general software and libraries
[Download] SG2000S software and libraries for the SuperGen SG2000S
[Download] Source code for writing your own SuperGen control software
[Download] MessyDOS Handler (MSH)
handler and driver to read and write 720K MSDOS diskettes. If you have a high density drive you can change the MountList entry as appropriate to handle 1.44M MSDOS diskettes.
[Download] CAprogs.lha
miscellaneous script utilties from Central Anime.

JACOsub Timed Scripts

Go to the Scripts page for various scripts resources.

Sconv Script Conversion Utility

Sconv is an excellent script converter written by Peter V. Evans. It's much more sophisticated than the jconvert converter provided with JACOsub. It will convert between JACOsub and many other script formats. Highly recommended!

[Download] Sconv 1.3 (Amiga)
[Download] Sconv 1.3 (DOS/Windows)
[Download] Sconv C source (LHA archive)

You can read more about sconv here, but don't download anything; all the links go to an outdated version.

Subtitling software for DOS and Windows

For Programmers Only

If you want to render Amiga fonts under DOS/Windows, you can download some Sample code to do so, as well as the collection of Amiga fonts used by JACOsub.

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- Copyright © 1997-2002 by Unicorn Research Corporation
E-mail comments to JACOsub's author, Alex Matulich, at jacosub (at) unicorn.us.com.