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[Credit Cards] (If you have purchased a previous version you may download an update)

ProSizer Monte Carlo position sizing strategy creator for Excel, v.3.64 (197K zip file)

Requirements: Microsoft Excel 97 or higher, with Macro security level set to Medium. Preferably, CPU speed should be faster than 500 MHz. Monte Carlo simulations can be slow even on a 1 GHz processor, especially if you have many trades.

Price: US$ 37.00

You don't need a PayPal account to make this purchase. You can use your credit card. Please provide a valid e-mail address. You will be sent download instructions via e-mail within 1 to 3 days (this isn't an automated process) after PayPal sends the purchase notification. If you get nothing after 3 days, please send a reminder to anachronist -at- gmail.com or leave a message at 650-988-0691 if the email isn't getting through for some reason.

Warning: If your email address is "protected" by challenge-response protection software, you will not receive the download instructions. White-list any unicorn.us.com address first.

This application is provided "as is." No guarantee exists concerning its operation, usefulness, adequacy for your needs, or effect on your trading performance. Neither the author nor Unicorn Research Corporation are responsible for any consequences, good or bad, that result from using this application. You trade at your own risk. Your trading decisions are your responsibility alone.

Privacy: Unicorn Research Corporation does not traffic in private information. PayPal keeps your credit card info; we don't ever see it. In any case, we don't share, sell, or otherwise distribute any of your personal data. We resent companies who do this to us, so we certainly won't do it to you.

Direct questions to the author, Alex Matulich, anachronist - at - gmail.com.

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